Sanitized and ready for occupancy


A lot of what you’re about to read is an arrangement of things that I have said, heard, read, argued, or extrapolated about in the last couple weeks. I can’t really say that any of it is necessarily original, but I feel compelled to put this down for my own sanity.

When I pulled this tag off my door at the end of last year, I thought this will be a neat reminder of what things were like. And when I uncovered it in the drawer of my desk this week, I was filled with rage thinking about how this is still going on.

We are about to enter a third year of schooling during a deadly, global pandemic. In many ways this current moment feels far worse and far more terrifying than it did when we were in this similar situation last August. Last year we at least did what we could: we masked up, spread out, and tried to be responsible with testing, reporting and tracing. A lot of us anyways. Not all of us, that’s been made clear. But now we’re set to reopen public schools in about 5 days with absolutely no requirements for protection whatsoever. No requirements for masks, no requirements for vaccinations, and a policy that says you should be masked if you’re unvaccinated but can go unmasked if you are vaccinated but no way to verify if the right people are complying. And I think it’s safe to assume that the majority of the unvaccinated are not complying since they’re the ones who were too pathetic and cowardly to wear mask in the first place.

And guess what, I’m fucking mad. Like real big mad. Let me tell you why.

We did our part, my partner and I, we wore our masks to work everyday and masked up our kids everyday when they went to school. We stayed home as much as possible, and limited contact with people outside our immediate circle of family. We got vaccinated, and even then dutifully continued to wear our masks in our classrooms even as the rest of the world gleefully abandoned any attempts at protection and mitigation. But that’s not even what I’m mad about, because I’d do it all over again if that’s what’s needed to put this wretched virus to bed.

What I’m mad about is that now my kids, 7, 4, and 5 months, are now directly in the crosshairs. They are the ones at risk of getting Covid, and struggling to breath, or having long term symptoms, or developing an autoimmune disease or neurological disorder, or ya know they might FUCKING DIE. And it’s not because we did the things we needed to do to keep our community safe. It is because there are too many selfish people out there, who are too interested in their own auto-fellating ideas about freedom to care about other people and get vaccinated.

Several years ago, I came across the idea that American’s have become addicted to freedom. And these past 18 months have really born out the truth of that statement. While we may be racing towards a terrifyingly autocratic future, we still enjoy a great many degrees of freedom in this nation. But, what I mean by addicted to freedom is that people will choose freedom at all costs. Except our idea of what freedom means has become so warped. We have been molded into a society that worships the individual at the expense of the community and the greater good. To put it plainly, what I want is more important than anything else. It’s the idea that the needs of the individual are more important or more valuable than any need from those around them, from their community, or from their society. And it is the lynchpin of neoliberal individualism, but I’ll save that for another day.

Like, this idea is such bullshit. I’m a dad with a spouse and three kids. Trust me I know all about how what I want is no longer important. My kids, my wife, my mom, in-laws, friends, coworkers, students, and community members all have needs that must be served in kind. And ya know why? Because when the time comes, I want to make sure they’re there for me when I need them, to like I don’t know watch my kids when they’re sick and I have to work, or pick me up after surgery and take me home because I’m doped up on anesthesia, or give me the time on a Saturday to spend hours in a Zoom class for my PhD, or support me in my decision to take 30 days of paternity leave. See how that works? It’s not that I don’t have needs, but if we’re not considering the needs of those around us then why would they show up when you need them?

Then when you take this idea of addiction to some maligned and distorted idea of freedom, and mix with a desire to resist government control you get some people who really sound like a bunch of idiots. You’re don’t like the idea of the government telling you what to do? Cool. Have you ever stopped at a red-light? That’s you listening to the government. Ever taken your shoes off to get on an airplane? That you listening to the government. Have you ever spent $32.50 on a yellow sticker for your license plate? That’s you listening to the government. You want to rebel, grow your own food, sew your own clothes, use your extra money to support mutual aid funds. There’s nothing strong or rebellious about refusing a vaccine that could save your life, the lives others, and help snuff out a virus that has, by some reports, killed almost 1,000,000 Americans and globally over 7,000,000.

But now children are at risk, most notably young children because they can’t get vaccinated and many of those eligible haven’t gotten their shot yet. For most of the last 18 months, the number of children with Covid has remained low. Because of that, this narrative developed that kids don’t get Covid or don’t get sick from Covid. And while research has shown that kids don’t get as sick as often, the real truth is much simpler. Numbers of child cases stayed low because for the last 18 months we’ve done everything we could to keep them safe. We kept them home, inside, and safe for first 5, and then masked and sanitized in schools for the next 11. Unfortunately, we’ve committed ourselves to the virus being over and the world being open again, so now even as cases rises faster than ever and the number of children becoming infected and hospitalized is skyrocketing the leaders of the world seem to have thrown up their collective hands and said “oh well”. And man, let me tell you, FUCK THAT.